Recent Progress

Behold there were Schedules and they were Good!

Today, Course Correct generated a schedule for the first time ever. I supplied a set of sample degree requirements and a list of personal preferences, and saw to my amazement a complete schedule meeting everything on the list. You can see the output for yourself right here:

Generated Schedules

Although the algorithm is still horribly unreliable (if it finds any conflicts in any schedule it tries it will simply give up and close) it is entirely functional. After having it generate a schedule initially I tried setting some new preferences. "I want BSAD-120," I announced (erroneously, but convincingly) and there on the schedule appeared BSAD-120 in place of something else.

In fact, even in this incomplate state, I've now spent over an hour just playing with preferences. "I want Prof. Smith." "I don't want Wednesday classes." "I'd like to take CS-103." Each modification to the preference or to the importance of a preference I already have dutifully results in a new and different schedule.

Next step: fix the algorithm so it runs faster and more reliably.